Congresso Brasileiro de Reprodução Assistida 2024



All abstracts must arrive by 15.06.2024 Postponed June 24, 2024 (until 23:59h).

Abstracts should be submitted in English only. No exceptions.

IMPORTANT! Abstracts should only be submitted if the corresponding author or one of the coauthor plans to attend the CBRA at Florianópolis. The corresponding/present author must be registered in the Congress.

It is not allowed to change the corresponding author, nor is it allowed to make changes to the list of authors, the list of affiliations or the abstract itself after the corresponding/presenting author has received the outcome of the reviewing process.

Make sure all the details are correct before you submit your abstract. At submission, abstracts should contain unpublished and original material, which has not yet been presented in any other meeting. 

The abstract must be anonymous; therefore, any abstract containing identification of the institution or any author within the body of the text will be excluded from evaluation.

Authors are requested to indicate their preference for oral and/or poster presentation on the abstract submission form. Abstracts that are submitted for oral/poster presentation, but that are not selected for oral communication can be referred to the poster sessions.

Main areas: Clinical, Nursing, Laboratory, Psychology and Nutrology.

The decisions of the selection committee are final, including the number of oral presentations.

All accepted abstracts will be published in JBRA Assisted Reproduction.

All abstracts will be reviewed and scored and subsequently selected or not for presentation.

This process will take some time to complete, and the outcome will be available by July 31. At that time the submitter will be notified as to whether his/her abstract has been accepted or not.

Questions about work should be directed to email 


Abstract title. The title should reflect the content.

List the authors with family name first, followed by initials (i.e. Jones, B.; Smith, J.; and Simpson, A.) The name of the first author is also the presenting author. Do not include professional titles or degrees.

Abstracts should be structured as following:


The abstracts must not exceed a maximum 600 words. No exceptions.

Abbreviations can be used after defining them first.

The use of tables will not be permitted.

Figures, images, and/or graphics are not permitted and will be deleted.

Keywords: minimum of at least two, maximum five.

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